Industrial AI Laboratory
Recent News at IAI Lab
[11/10/20] A research (DL+HEA) has been covered by media outlets
Sooyoung's work on "Deep Learning-based Phase Prediction of High-entropy Alloys" has been featured in several news paper articles.
AI로 '고엔트로피 합금' 개발 시간·비용 줄인다! [헤럴드경제] [동아사이언스] [뉴시스] [뉴데일리] [매일경제] [경북신문] [전자신문]
Sooyoung's work on "Deep Learning-based Phase Prediction of High-entropy Alloys" has been featured in several news paper articles.
AI로 '고엔트로피 합금' 개발 시간·비용 줄인다! [헤럴드경제] [동아사이언스] [뉴시스] [뉴데일리] [매일경제] [경북신문] [전자신문]