Industrial AI Laboratory
Recent News at IAI Lab
[12/06/21] Grand Prize of the Global High-Potential Individuals (글로벌 핵심인재 우수성과 대상)
Sooyoung Lee won the Best Research Achievement Grand Prize of the Global High-Potential Individuals (글로벌 핵심인재 우수성과 대상),
supported by the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)
for the international joint research with the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the Sustainable Smart Manufacturing using IIoT and AI.
Sooyoung Lee won the Best Research Achievement Grand Prize of the Global High-Potential Individuals (글로벌 핵심인재 우수성과 대상),
supported by the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)
for the international joint research with the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the Sustainable Smart Manufacturing using IIoT and AI.